just ask.
Age 35, Male
the academy of toaster-bot
Joined on 3/11/09
I'll answer the space one: because has no matter, only dark matter >:[ (true actually)
do I have 10kr (kr=money in sweden) in my pocket?
yes,yes you do
Are part-time band leaders semi-conductors?
Since there is a speed of light and a speed of sound, is there a speed of smell?
Are there any unguided missiles?
Are you breaking the law if you drive past those road signs that say "Do Not Pass"?
What hair color do they put on the driver's license of a bald man?
Before they invented drawing boards, what did they go back to?
What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?
Where did Webster look up the definitions when he wrote the dictionary?
How do I set my laser printer on stun?
Who opened that first 'oyster' and said "My, my, my. Now doesn't 'this' look yummy!"
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
How is it possible to run out of space?
Why do they put Braille dots on the keypad of the drive-up ATM?
If blind people wear dark glasses, why don't deaf people wear earmuffs?
If Barbie's so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends?
Why do the signs that say "Slow Children" have a picture of a running child?
If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know?
Why do flammable and inflammable mean the same thing?
How much can I get away with and still go to heaven?
How do you write zero in Roman numerals?
How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the mornings?
Where is Old Zealand?
Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?
How come wrong numbers are never busy?
Do steam rollers really roll steam?
Does killing time damage eternity?
What makes cheese so confidential that we actually need cheese shredders?
What happens if you go on a survival course - and you don't pass?
Do crematoriums give discounts to burn victims?
Can a stupid person be a smart-ass?
do you mind all of these questions?
what am i going to do for a living when i move out?
n/a(not aplicabal)(thats what they put)
they didnt have that sying then
i cant be freakin bothered
thats not all of my questions you answered 3:
i answerd 6!!!!!??!!!
am I awesome?
yes you are:P
am i gunna get a good job?
r u sure u want to answer any of my questions?
dont know?????????
did you see what I did to the last person that said they will answer any question?
no pie for uyou
how come some people never learn?
who are yo
why is the grass green?
because of photosynphasis in the light
and it is natualy green
why is the sky blue?
how many planets are in our solor system?
how many stars are there?
-thinking of witty responce-
why are some people ass holes?
why is your user name nitrogyen?
what is our air made up of?
when is your b-day?
how old are you?
i am am a 45 year old 745 foot midget from xsdfghjnbf
Why is space all black and stuff if there are billions of light sources out there?
And when my head itches which hand do I scratch with? @_@
either your left or right lol!
becouse the mass of space is bigger than the mass of stars i think